Thursday, February 21, 2013

View and Move An Object in S3

View an Object


Now that you've added an object to a bucket, you can open and view it in a browser. You can optionally save the object locally.

To open or download an object

1. In the Amazon S3 console, right-click the objects you want to open.
2. Click Open to open the object in the browser or Download to save the object locally.
The object opens in your browser, or if you are downloading the object a dialog opens for you to specify folder location where you want the object saved.

You've opened your object.

By default your Amazon S3 buckets and objects are private. To view object using a URL, for example, the object must be publicly readable.
Otherwise, you will need to create signed URL that includes a signature with authentication information.

View an Object

Now that you've added an object to a bucket and viewed it, you might like to move the object to a different bucket or folder.

To move an object

1.      In the Amazon S3 console, right-click the object you want to move.

You can use the SHIFT and CRTL keys to select multiple objects and perform the same action on them simultaneously.

2. Click Cut.
3. Navigate to the bucket (and folder) you want to move the object to, and right-click the folder or bucket you want to move the object to.

4. Click Paste Into.
Amazon S3 moves your files to the new location.

You can monitor the progress of the move on the Transfers panel. To hide or show the Transfer panel, click the Transfers button at the top right of the console page.


Azure DevOps said...

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